Fertility Treatment; What To Eat During The Two Week Wait, Part 1

Fertility Treatment; What To Eat During The Two Week Wait, Part 1

Your embryo has been transferred and time suddenly seems to drag. Every minute seems like ten, your mind is constantly caught in an endless cycle of anxious thoughts as you wait to see if it sticks. You are constantly on Google, trying to find out if that twinge is a good or a bad sign.  If the embryo implants in the lining of your womb, your body will have produced enough human chorionic gonadotropin to show up on a blood test and give you the longed-for two lines. These two weeks can be incredibly difficult and hearing lots of conflicting information, or stories from people that SWEAR it worked for them for the two-week wait can make it even more stressful.  One of the biggest topics that I am asked about is foods to eat during the two-week wait.  Beetroot and pineapples always seem to be talked about foods for implantation and drinking lots and lots of pomegranate juice is something I hear about frequently too during the two-week wait.

But is this true? Let’s have a look at the scientific evidence!

Pomegranate juice

This humble but beautiful fruit is known as a good source of antioxidants and is thought to be associated with improving blood flow. This is why it has often been connected with implantation but there are no scientific studies that prove that.  One of the things I have noticed is that it has become popular to drink lots of it every day during the two-week wait. If you would like to try it during the two-week wait, it’s worth knowing that you do not have to drink loads of it. Just stick to the recommended 125mls per day or add some pomegranate seeds to your salad.


Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain which has both a mild blood thinning and an anti-inflammatory effect. It has been connected to improving fertility as these effects are thought to help implantation by improving the uterine lining and blood flow to the uterus. Again there are no scientific studies to prove this. You would also have to eat the pineapple core (as that’s where most of the  Bromelain is stored) so maybe not the nicest thing to eat! 

What about beetroot?

Beetroot contains dietary nitrates which your body can convert to nitric oxide, causing blood vessels to dilate and improve blood flow. It is suggested that this improved blood flow to the uterus can aid implantation. Interestingly, a study1 published this year found that a juice made up of beetroot, watermelon and ginger, given to women undergoing ICSI cycles from the day of embryo transfer until the day of pregnancy test, showed a higher implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate in comparison to the group of women who were not given the juice!  It’s not conclusive, even the authors of the study concluded that it may be considered a promising strategy so if you like the ingredients, have a juicer at home and you want to try it – it does sound nice!

Although there is no specific diet to follow during the two-week wait, focusing on a nutrient rich diet to nourish your embryo is a good starting point.  Check out my next blog where I will be sharing more tips that I give my clients when going through the two-week wait. 

Finally, if you’re reading this and you’re in the two-week wait – best of luck! 

These are general tips aimed for adults and  they should not be considered personally tailored diet advice. If you would like an individualised consultation, please check out my website for details on how to contact me. 
