Guaranteed Irish

Guaranteed Irish

We are so proud to say that our company is now Guaranteed Irish! 

Supplements Made Simple is an Irish company with an Irish female founder. When Dr. Doireann O’Leary started the company on 2021 all suppliers of the products were based in The UK. However, as time went on, and Dr. Doireann and her team learned more about being a business owner, “Irishness”, supporting local and working with local suppliers became more important to the company. So in 2023, Dr. Doireann personally undertook the task of finding Irish suppliers for her product line. To date, all products except the Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D spray, are manufactured in Ireland and shipped internationally. Working with fellow business owners based here in Ireland and supporting communities and jobs in Ireland is an important part of the business identity of Supplements Made Simple. 

When Dr. Doireann heard an  advert for Guaranteed Irish on the radio, it resonated with her as the values of Guaranteed Irish very much align with the values of Supplements Made Simple. We strive for the best standards, trust, transparency and excellence to bring the best products and service to our customers. Dr. Doireann is member of The Irish College of General Practitioners and remains in ongoing education to ensure she brings the best evidence and latest updates in science to our community. 

Community and supporting other Irish business owners with similar values is important to everyone at Supplements Made Simple. In Christmas 2023, we were in “The Clarendon Collective” pop up shop which supported and show cased female founded Irish companies. It was a privilege to be in the community of like minded Irish female founders, learn from and support one another.

In March 2023 we donated the proceeds of sales of our Folic Acid product to Kerry based charity Feiliecean which supports families who have experienced infant loss.

Being a member of The Guaranteed Irish community is a privilege for Supplements Made Simple. We are honoured to learn from and support other members in line with the sense of community, support and collegiality fostered by Guaranteed Irish. Keep an eye out for the G on our products! 

We are Guaranteed Irish and ship internationally.

Supplements Made Simple Blog

Dr Doireann on health and beauty